
Velum® Prime 400 SC

Think sustainable - Use Velum® Prime! Solve the problem at the root

Velum® Prime is a nematicide for the control of nematodes in vegetables, potato and banana trees.

Distributor: Scientific Health & Agricultural Development Co

Key Benefits

  • Works fast to control nematodes and protects plant roots safeguarding yield and quality of crops while being environmentally-friendly.


How to Apply

  • Apply through drip irrigation or drench or spray Velum® Prime at the soil around the crop according to the local label.

Key Indicators

  • Root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne sp.), Golden nematode (Globodera sp.)

Mode of Action

  • Flupyram is a succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor (SDHI) that has fungicidal and mematicidal activity and is classified as FRAC group C2
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